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Access anytime, anywhere



Stable/high-end database

Multiple locations

Multiple users

10 levels of centers/dimensions

5 roll up levels

Custom reporting

Automatic reporting


Multiple account structure

Unlimited, customizable journals




Multi currency

VAT (various methods)



The advantages to an Internet-delivered accounting service are clear, and the economics are compelling. The Web is everywhere, and therefore a web-delivered application is available anywhere. From a hotel room, to a branch office, to an auditor's conference room–Internet-delivered accounting is now accessible anywhere and all the time.
Most businesses are in business to do something other than accounting. In the past, acquiring the equipment, consultants and expertise to run a general ledger and other financial programs has been a costly but necessary part of being in business. Even now, in a rapidly evolving and competitive market, where technology is reinventing itself every few years, avoiding the large investments in information systems that will be outdated in a few years is the most pragmatic and cost-effective decision any business can make.
Amadeos can reduce these costs materially by offering a more efficient and cost effective system. With our solution, there are no costly software and hardware investments required. We manage the hardware and software required to deliver the most powerful web-based enterprise management system available anywhere. This saves our clients time, headaches and the expense normally associated with this kind of power.

Access anytime, anywhere

Access to Amadeos is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and levels of authority are controlled by user-defined passwords. Internal and external users can view up to the minute financial details from any location using a normal Windows PC and a Web browser. With the Web expanding to all corners of the world, our web-delivered application must be equally as vast. Whether a branch office, a hotel room or an auditor's conference meeting—Amadeos is accessible anywhere and all the time.


The system has been designed as a mission-critical, high-availability enterprise solution. Although, 100% uptime cannot be guaranteed in any system, Amadeos has taken a number of precautions to ensure maximum uptime:
· Redundant Linux application servers and other network components
· Robust databases that "mirror," or replicate, all client data, so that multiple copies exist of all customer data at any given time
· Redundant, high-speed connections to the Internet
· Back-up UPS that ensure continuing operation even in the event of a power outage.


We use powerful SQL database technology, which means maximum scalability. Scalability is an indication of how easily a system can accommodate larger and larger amounts of data and numbers of users without deterioration in performance. As Amadeos is fully web and SQL based, it is equal in scalability to the largest and most powerful systems in the world.

Stable/high-end database

One of the common shortcomings of many accounting systems is that they incorporate weak database technology that does not scale nearly as well as higher-end SQL databases. Because Amadeos uses Sybase, one the most powerful and secure databases in the world, our clients need not worry about outgrowing the system's capacity.

Multiple locations

With our system a client can easily add locations anywhere. There are no special software or setup requirements. When a user has a password and an Internet connection the system is available anywhere at a moments notice.

Multiple users

Our system can handle an unlimited number of concurrent users from anywhere in the world. All the user requires is a PC and an Internet browser. Each user is assigned customized privileges.

10 levels of centers/dimensions

Centers/dimensions are at the heart of developing sophisticated reporting systems. Our system offers 10 levels of centers for maximum detail. These centers can be created for locations, departments, territories, projects, client's relationships, managers and employees. Within each center group, an unlimited amount of center detail items can be added.
After the center system is established, whenever data is entered, the system prompts the user to distribute the data into the appropriate center/dimension categories.

5 roll up levels

The software is extremely powerful. In addition, to the 10 levels of centers /dimensions, there are five levels of detail roll-ups. At the most basic detail level is the product. Products roll into budget codes and budget codes are rolled up into accounts. Accounts are rolled up into account qualities and account qualities are rolled up into master qualities. Reports are generated based all roll up levels. Account qualities enable users to assigns rules and control data entry. These rules include requiring data entry to include partner name, invoice number and center information. Qualities are also an integral part of the reporting system.

Custom reporting

The Amadeos software presents data in a clear report format. Its simple, point-and-click drill down system allows users to obtain answers to questions easily without having to contact various people. The extent and user friendliness of the reporting features are unmatched in many systems. (This is awkward. If it is unmatched, it is unmatched.)

Automatic reporting

In addition, the application can allow for the automatic sending of custom reports to specific users on a regular basis.


The system includes professional-strength budgeting tools that enable clients to forecast values of any line item in any period. Its budgeting system can prepare budgets for any combination of departments, locations, or account structures. After a budget is complete, the system automatically creates budget variance reports to enable analysis of the business' actual performance versus plan.The Amadeos system includes professional-strength budgeting tools that enable clients to forecast values of any line item in any period. Its budgeting system can prepare budgets for any combination of departments, locations, or account structures. After a budget is complete, the system automatically creates budget variance reports to enable analysis of the business' actual performance versus plan.

Multiple account structure

Multiple account structures can be used concurrently. If the home office uses one account structure and the local statutory accounts use another structure, an unlimited amount of account mappings can be created!

Unlimited, customizable journals

Users create customized journals based on new row numberings. For example, when creating sales invoices, it is possible to have multiple concurrent invoice numbering systems. If a company has two offices on one street, the first office can create invoices numbered 1001, 1002, 1003 and the second office can create invoices numbered as 2001,2002,2003,2004.


The world is becoming a smaller and smaller place, so it is increasingly important to obtain single system solutions that can be deployed globally. However, this "dream system" must be balanced with the expense and complexity of user set-up, friendliness and local requirements.
Therefore, first and foremost, a global system must maintain the accounting in accordance with each countries local customs and statutory regulations. Amadeos addresses these concerns by having custom systems running locally in each country. The actual data collection and entry is 100% independent of the accounting. Source data entry documents are then recorded in the General Ledger where the documents are coded in conformance with each country's specific requirement. Detail journal entries are made for each transaction and rolled up into one master set of company accounts.


Communication is the heart of any information system. Without excellent communication via a user-friendly and intuitive interface, the user will not fully embrace the information available. For every page the user views, he can customize all titles on the fly for his company in up to 3 langauges. Additinally, all user entered descriptions can be entered in 3 languages.


Our secure back-up system requires daily backups to multiple media and those media being stored in secure, offsite facilities. For a single firm to establish the professional back-up systems and security precautions that we have implemented would be both inconvenient and expensive. Backup is a critical part of our job, and we have top professionals managing the system to ensure the most secure back-ups possible. Plus, at the client's request, we provide copies of back up data for their own safekeeping.

Multi currency

Our system can handle multi currencies. That means we track a transaction in multiple currencies and with their respective exchange rates. Often special rules apply regarding the tracking and storing of currency data, especially related to the Euro. We record up to three currencies and respective cross rates per transaction. Therefore, if a German company receives an invoice in French Francs, we store the transaction in German Mark, French Franc and the Euro cross rates.

VAT (various methods)

Value Added Tax or similar taxation systems are used in many country's. Each country typically has specific rules regarding the tax computation. For example, certain countries use an accrual accounting system with a cash basis VAT system. Other countries use a modified system using accrual basis for paying and cash basis for reclaiming VAT. Additionally, various rounding methodologies are applicable from country to country. Our system is designed for flexibility and can be easily adjusted for any country's unique sales or VAT requirements.



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